E4D User Guide
E4D User Guide
E4D Run Configuration File (fmm.inp)
The run configuration file for E4D must be named <fmm.inp>. It is the first file read by E4D, and contains the names of input files and other options necessary for E4D to execute a particular run mode.
See File Syntax Rules for specific details.
Variable Name | Description |
char |
run_mode specifies the mode that E4D should execute. run_mode=FMM1Mesh generation for travel-time modeling and inversion
(char) |
mesh_config_filename is name of the mesh configuration file (must end in .cfg). |
FMM1 run mode two_blocks.cfg mesh configuration file name
Variable Name | Description |
char |
run_mode specifies the mode that E4D should execute. run_mode=FMM2Travel-time survey numerical solution simulation
(char) |
mesh_file should be set to <e4d_mesh>.1.node, or <e4d_mesh>.1.ele, where <e4d_mesh> is the prefix of the mesh files created during mesh generation. |
(char) |
survey_file is the name of the user-created survey file. |
(char) |
velocity_file is the name of a velocity file or a text file containing a list of velocity files. |
(char) |
out_opts_file is the name of the output options file. |
FMM2 run mode two_blocks.1.node mesh node file name two_blocks.srv survey file name two_blocks.vel conductivity file name two_blocks.out output options file name
Variable Name | Description |
char |
run_mode specifies the mode that E4D should execute. run_mode=FMM3Travel-time inversion for a single survey
(char) |
mesh_file should be set to <e4d_mesh>.1.node, or <e4d_mesh>.1.ele, where <e4d_mesh> is the prefix of the mesh files created during mesh generation. |
(char) |
survey_file is the name of the user-created survey file. |
(char) |
starting_velocity is the name of a velocity file to be used as the starting model. starting_velocity=name of velocity fileSpecified velocity file will be used
starting_velocity='average'The calculated average velocity will be used
starting_velocity=real valueThe specified value will be used
(char) |
out_opts_file is the name of the output options file. |
(char) |
inv_opts_file is the name of the inversion options file. |
(char) |
ref_velocity is the name of the reference velocity file, which is in the same format as a standard velocity file. *Specify none if not using a reference model to constrain the inversion. |
FMM3 run mode two_blocks.1.node mesh node file name two_blocks.srv survey file name 'average' Use calculated average velocity as starting model two_blocks.out output options file name two_blocks_1.inv inversion options file name none reference velocity file name