E4D User Guide
E4D User Guide
Electrical Methods Standard Execution / Running the Code
E4D is executed from the command line by typing:
e4d_dir /e4d_qc/bin/mpirun -np num_proc e4d_dir/e4d_qc/bin/e4dwhere e4d_dir is the directory containing the E4D executable (i.e. e4d_qc), and num_proc is the number of processors e4d will use during execution. Alternatively, e4d_dir/e4d_qc/bin can be placed in the executable path so that E4D is called by:
mpirun -np num_proc e4d
Note that some systems install a version of MPI by default, and set system variables so that the mpirun command defaults to the version installed by the system. It is important to ensure that E4D is called using e4d_dir /e4d_qc/bin/mpirun so that the correct run-time libraries are used.
Upon execution, E4D will read the file <e4d.inp> to obtain the names of other input files and run instructions chosen by the user.